New Website
Yeah, it’s this time of the year when I decide to scrap my whole website and start anew.
Why not?
The template was created with wiki like site in mind. I realized it’s pointless effort to try to use Hugo as personal wiki publishing method. I’m not too comfortable with publishing my notes to begin with. Also I’m slightly better at CSS now…
- Hugo (Of course)
- JohnDoe CSS
- section target trick for JS-less lightbox style galleries
- Random pieces of CSS collected around the web (since I suck at CSS)
- Netfliy for hosting
- Git for version control
Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking - well tested, boring tech stack. Apparently it’s called Jamstack these days (to sound more cool?). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is to use this website to publish short blog posts and visual art I’m doing.
- reduce ammout of CSS to minimum, unify galleries
- „projects” section
- post most of the content from old website
- pagination